Saturday, June 19, 2010

Murder by Death & Zoe Muth and the Lost High Rollers

This was a really great discovery. She has a classic voice, great phrasing, great songs... I'm slightly less convinced about the band -- I could use a bit less pedal steel, for instance, but that might be personal prejudice. Good stuff.

"Who Will Survive, and What Will Be Left of Them?" has been on rotation extremely heavily these last 4 or 5 weeks. Its an absolutely amazing album. Old time-y piano and a story of the Devil getting shot in the back after a night of drinking in a dusty Texas town and subsequently said Devil wiping the small town off the map entirely.

Buffalo Artist Profile: Son of the Sun

I got my hands on an early copy of the album that will be released in a few days.
Check out their Myspace for more information.

It's a pretty solid album with a good sound. No particular song has really stood out for me, but each is a good song. Nothing groundbreaking here, but nice to know my city can still turn out some good sound.

If you like this album, buy it when it's released on iTunes on the 22nd of June.